Hoodies can be great pieces to have in your closet since they're great for all sorts of different occasions. In fact, it's not a bad idea to have a few different hoodies in your closet so that you'll always have the right hoodie for the situation at hand. For example, you might want to buy a few zip-up hoodies and a few pullover hoodies. If you're wondering when you should grab a zip-up hoodie instead of a pullover hoodie from your closet, consider these times when this can be a good idea.

You Know You'll Be Taking Your Hoodie off a Lot

There are times when you might know that you will be taking your hoodie off a lot. For example, if you're going to be flying, you might have to take your hoodie off when you're going through security. This can be a pain with a pullover hoodie. On a day when you know you might take your hoodie off a lot, a zip-up hoodie might be the more convenient choice.

You've Spent a Lot of Time Fixing Your Hair or Makeup

Although you might like wearing pullover hoodies in general, one thing that you might not like about them is the fact that they can mess up your hair. If you have spent a lot of time doing the perfect bun or braid, for example, you might be worried that you will mess up your hair when you're taking your pullover hoodie off or putting it back on. If you use a zip-up hoodie, though, you don't have to worry about messing up your hair at all.

The same is true with makeup. Pulling a pullover hoodie over your face and head can cause you to smudge your makeup, which can be frustrating when you've spent a lot of time trying to perfect your makeup look. If you choose a zip-up hoodie on these days, however, you don't have to worry about this problem.

It Isn't Going to Be Too Cold

If you know it's going to be a slightly chilly day but you think your favorite pullover hoodie might cause you to get a little too warm as the day goes on, a zip-up hoodie can be a good option. You can zip up your hoodie more in the morning or evening when it might be cooler. Then, later in the day, you can unzip it partially or completely. Then, you'll still have a little protection on your arms, but you might find that you won't feel as hot.

If any of these apply to you, look for a zip-up hoodie, such as a Rasta zip-up hoodie.
